Paul's Place

My Place of reflection, joy and wonder

Heart of Worship: How then?

How Should We Worship?

How often have we heard, “After the service there will be a time of worship….”

Surely the whole service should be a time of giving God his worth?

Perhaps we should say that our whole lives are supposed to be giving God his worth!

Whatever our worship we must recognize that it must “Please and Glorify God”. It does not matter whether we are singing, playing music, dancing, praying, reading the Bible, or acting out a story. All must be done in such a way as we know that we are pleasing and glorifying God. If you are tone deaf – don’t worry – ask the Lord to give you a spiritual song and he will make it beautiful! Don’t worry if you think you can’t dance – lift your hands and praise Him! Jump for Joy, Shout loud hosannas to him! He will see your heart and He will bless your worship!

So often we forget to bring our emotions with us! But I can’t! I’m English (I have a stiff upper lip!), I’m not artistic, and I’m useless at all of these things and so we find excuses...

Whoops, who made you? Were you just an Accident of Nature or beautifully made by God? So if He made you and He expects and demands your worship surely He has given you the means!

Remember also, worship does not have to be done solely in the Church, look to your home groups, look to your quiet times. In the times when you come to Him, wherever it is, start worshipping the God of all glory, all honour and all praise. If you don’t want anybody else to hear you – fine – as long as God receives your worship.